Well, this week was really hot, and it doesn´t help that our apartment has pretty much the worst ventilation on the face of the planet and it doesn´t help when you open up the back windows all the way just to get some circulation and a freaking bat flies in..... and then you and your companion you are on exchanges with are running around and screaming like little girls trying to catch/destroy this little rodent with wings.... haha very interesting week.
Well tomorrow is my 1 year mark, I geuss that means its time to throw it in high gear and use what I know!!!
next month in september will be the baptism/reactivation of one of the coolest families I have ever met on my mission, I am so excited for that.
Now behold my beloved brethren this is the doctrine of Christ (2 nephi 31:20). I love that scripture, Nephi tells us plain and simple what it is we need to do. Man I can´t wait to meet that guy. I get to play a role in this part for another year, I am so freakin pumped!!!
Wit luv
Elder Ipson